Send these 💌 in August

What's cracking Reader?

I hope you’re having a wonderful summer.

Can’t lie. It’s been a bit rough around here trying to get any work done.

I kid you not, as I was writing the word wonderful for this very email my husband busted into my office asking if there's anything on sale that I wanted from Stop & Shop.

Bro, I’ve literally been in my office for the first time since last Wednesday for 15 whole minutes.

Why couldn’t you ask me this during the entire hour we were together during breakfast?

And, how the heck am I supposed to know what Stop & Shop has on sale off the top of my head and what we need.

So if you’ve been beating yourself up for not being as productive, creative or consistent in your business as you’d like this summer - don’t.

We’ve all been in the same boat trying to claw our way out.

Cut yourself some slack if you missed a week or 3 emailing your list this summer.

No need to apologize to them. Trust me - they get it.

But now is as good a time as any to get back on the horse
(even if you only end up emailing them once this month - it’s still better than nothing.)

So here’s what to send your list in August:

Week 1 - My Favorite (Blog Post/ Podcast / Video / Post) I made in 2024

Now's the perfect time to share something you've created that didn't quite get the love that you wanted this year or share one of your most popular pieces of content from this year so far. (Don’t overthink this.)

Week 2 - How to get the most out of ________________ (something you have an affiliate link or code for)

Think 3 hacks. Bonus points if you can cut & paste these tips from a blog post you already have about the product.

Just remember to include an affiliate disclosure in your email & if it’s an Amazon product you need to link to your influencer store not the product itself.

How to get the most out of your Ninja Creami
How to get
ThriveCart basically for free (highlight key features that made you your money back and then some.)

The best things to make with your cashmere yarn.

Week 3 - I beg you - don’t.

You can take this one of two ways.

One - chat about 1 common mistake people make when trying to get the results you help them with.

Two - more of a heart to heart - don't be so hard on yourself, don’t give up, type of email.

Week 4 - Getting back into the swing of things.

I heard once that September is the new January so let your audience know what you're doing to get back into the swing of things for September or how they can use this as a reset for the rest of the year.

So use these prompts as a jumping off point for your emails this month.

And if you need to earn a little extra Do-Re-Mi from these emails but hate writing sales emails - this workshop will help.

Later Days,

Kate “I only got interrupted 1 other time trying to write this email - it was to be informed he would in fact NOT be going to Stop & Shop anymore 🤦🏼‍♀️” Doster

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This email may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support

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Sales Mindset & Hosting Free & Paid Bundles

I'm the host of The Do The Brave Thing Online Business podcast. It's my sole & soul’s mission to put in the hands of good people and prove nice people don’t have to finish last in business. I help those nice people wrangle their brains & write emails people LOOOOVEEE to read. (And buy from.)

Read more from Sales Mindset & Hosting Free & Paid Bundles

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