💕 Got a small list? Here's your Black Friday plan...

What's cracking Reader?

T-minus 43 days until Black Friday.

And if you're thinking of sitting this one out because clearly even big companies are hurting right now (I mean how else do you explain a random Prime Day in October?) - don't.

Yes, people are being more thoughtful about where their money is going but it's actually AMAZING for smaller creators.

Everyone loves supporting real people and not faceless companies when they can.

So I JUST published a special free Black Friday action plan all about making the most out of Black Friday with a tiny audience that you can read here (no opt-in required).

Trust me, having a small audience this time of year is a superpower when you're doing the right things.

Later Days,

Kate "Yay tiny audiences" Doster

P.S. So I know I've been talking alot about YOUR Black Friday events but people have been asking me what I'm doing for Black Friday this year...

...well you see - your girl is turning 40 on Nov. 4th...

So... instead of waiting for Nov. 29th to bust out my best deals of the year..EVER...I'm actually running them Monday Nov. 4 - Friday Nov. 8th.

Each day is going to have a different mega deal & coupon code valid only for THAT day.

I've never ran an event like this before - but I've also never turned 40 before so I figured, what the hell?

I might do a pick your price deal for Black Friday on a new workshop idea I've been tossing about How to stand out & make the most out of being in someone else's bundle because I get asked about that ALOT or maybe a $7 membership that drops monthly audio courses.

Let me know if either of those things are something you'd be interested in.

Sales Mindset & Hosting Free & Paid Bundles

I'm the host of The Do The Brave Thing Online Business podcast. It's my sole & soul’s mission to put in the hands of good people and prove nice people don’t have to finish last in business. I help those nice people wrangle their brains & write emails people LOOOOVEEE to read. (And buy from.)

Read more from Sales Mindset & Hosting Free & Paid Bundles

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