All toe-curling emails have these 4️⃣ things

What's cracking Reader?

I hope you’re having a wonderful week.

I know lots of kids are heading back to school this week so you’re probably just getting back into the swing of things yourself.

Which is why today & tomorrow I’m giving you a one two punch to help you take care of your most important people - your email list.

Tomorrow you’ll get something to help you grow your list with high quality subscribers.

Today it’s all about writing emails they’ll actually want to read.

➡️ So here’s a mini-checklist for you to whip out next time you’re writing an email.

1. Does your email have a compelling subject line?

Your subject line needs to grab attention & make people physically feel like they can’t not open your email because it’s so intriguing. (The Open Rate Catapult helps with that.)

2. Is the content relatable & valuable?

This doesn’t mean every email must be stuffed to the gills with tips, tricks and hacks. People can get those anywhere. But your emails do need to show you “get” your people, their struggles and show a bit of your personality too.

3. Is your email timely / relevant?

Chatting about current trends or how the season affects people with what you teach about are great jumping off points for any newsletter.

For welcome series and other automations - always make sure your email sequence flows one into the next. That’s how you keep it relevant and engaging.

Want to chat about something you normally don’t cover? (Like when I bring up my powerlifting?) Call out how it’s not the typical thing you two chat about but how it’s still relevant to their lives.

4. Have an enticing (and thoughtful) call to action

What next step do you want people to take? Read a post? Reply back? Buy something?

While yes, adding things like images and buttons can help with your click-through rate make sure that you're actually giving them a reason to leave their inboxes.

So, there you have it 4 things all toe-curling emails have in common.

Need more help writing your emails? Keep scrolling.

Later Days,

Kate “My kids don’t go back until after labor day” Doster

The Email Marketing Fairy 3.0™

60+ Email Marketing Templates (with examples) covering everything from weekly newsletters to sales funnels, and everything in between.

“I love every part of Email Marketing Fairy! I saw an increase in income and I feel more confident because I have so many templates that help me save time and build great relationships. My subscribers started responding back to my emails which rarely happened before.” - Petra BigIncomeParadise

Sales Mindset & Hosting Free & Paid Bundles

I'm the host of The Do The Brave Thing Online Business podcast. It's my sole & soul’s mission to put in the hands of good people and prove nice people don’t have to finish last in business. I help those nice people wrangle their brains & write emails people LOOOOVEEE to read. (And buy from.)

Read more from Sales Mindset & Hosting Free & Paid Bundles

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