Add this to your to do list...

What's cracking Reader?

I hope your summer / winter is going well.

I know time is short and sales get a bit low in July so here’s 3 super simple tweaks you can make to your sales page to boost your sales.

1️⃣ Show don't tell...

Add a video walk-through of the inside of your course platform or where they would download your product / the inside of your product.

This not only reliefs the fear that your product looks janky & unprofessional but it allows potential customers to HEAR & SEE how excited you are to help them.

Don't forget to highlight juicy bonuses, resources or lessons that will skyrocket your students success.

You can use Loom or ScreenPal to record, store and embed your video.

2️⃣ TLDR (too long didn't read)


Yes, people do need to know the particulars about what your offer includes- like how many calls or instant access BUT, most people SKIM sales pages, but READ the FAQ's

Don't waste that valuable attention.

✨Your first 3-4 Q's should be addressing excuses or concerns people have about your topic or their success✨...

You can see here - basically all my Q's are dealing with common concerns and "yeah buts"...only the last couple deal with logistics.

Can't think of any "yeah buts" people would have from about buying your stuff? Read number 3.

3️⃣ Unleash the bots🤖 (should of)

I'm not a fan of using AI to write your entire sales page but it's a great research & suggestion tool to help you get her done fast.

For example you ask it:

"Pretend you're a marketing expert - what are 10 of the biggest hesitations <describe your ideal buyer> would have about <MAIN RESULT YOUR OFFER GETS PEOPLE>?"

Next prompt: "Why might they have failed to see success in the past? What would make them nervous about it now?"

You can use those to build your better Q & A section and headlines....

Speaking of headlines:

After telling AI about your audience & product - you can copy and paste in your headline and ask it for 10-15 different headlines based on proven copywriting principals. Feel free to give it templates to fill in like "how to <result> without <hesitation>.

And of course you can always cut and paste different portions of your sales page into AI and ask it to rewrite it a more persuasive manor.

Again you'll have to have tweak it...but's a nice jumping off point if your brain is 🫠 in the summer heat.

There you have it - 3 quick sales page tweaks you can make to boost sales.

Later Days,
Kate "You got this" Doster

P.S. Hate writing sales pages? Hit reply and finish this sentence for me --- "I know I need to my write sale page but it just..."

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I'm the host of The Do The Brave Thing Online Business podcast. It's my sole & soul’s mission to put in the hands of good people and prove nice people don’t have to finish last in business. I help those nice people wrangle their brains & write emails people LOOOOVEEE to read. (And buy from.)

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