A going away 🎁

What's cracking Reader?

I hope you're having a wonderfuling week.

I'm about to sign off of work until next Tuesday because your girl Kate, is flighting to Alabama for a powerlifting meet tomorrow. (You know...typical 39 year old mom stuff.)

Which got me thinking about how all of us need to "summer-ize" our business & schedules.

Because, everyone deserves to spend some time away from the computer - guilt free and NOT have to worry about coming back to a dumpster fire.

So I whipped up a free little micro-course & workbook - called ⛱️ Summer Time Slow Down for you.

This 12 minute micro-workshop covers:

  • The best way to plan your summer weeks
  • Where you should be focusing your (limited) time for the best results
  • The WORST things you can do in the summer time (HUGE bummers)
  • How to deal with the lack of traffic and social engagement that summer in the Northern hemisphere brings for everyone
  • How to set yourself up for success once September comes (Anyone else humming that Green Day song now?)

⏰ Now I realize, your summer might have already started and you don't have time to sit and watch a video.

Which is why when you scroll down under the video you'll be able to send the training to your favorite podcast app or just grab the checklist.

If you've got any other topics you'd like me to tackle in this quickie micro-workshop style hit reply & let me know.

(Just so you know - I gave Abi the week off too - so you won't hear back from us until Tuesday.)

Later Days,

Kate "I'm planning to hit a national deadlift record - I'll keep you posted" Doster

Sales Mindset & Hosting Free & Paid Bundles

I'm the host of The Do The Brave Thing Online Business podcast. It's my sole & soul’s mission to put in the hands of good people and prove nice people don’t have to finish last in business. I help those nice people wrangle their brains & write emails people LOOOOVEEE to read. (And buy from.)

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